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Registration & Licensing Department
Circular No (DHP/2024/22) - Updates on the Electronic Registration System
Circular No (DHP/2024/21) - Inclusion of the CSSD Title and Medical Massage Therapist in the List of Recognized Allied Health Professions and Approval of their Scope of Practice and Registration Requirements
Circular No (DHP/2024/20) - Adoption of new Policy on Work under Supervision (Training) for Allied Health Professions, Pharmacy, and Nursing
Circular No (DHP/2024/19)- Updates on Dental Specialties Registration/Licensing
Circular No (DHP/2024/16) - Updates to the processing time of registration/licensing requests
Circular No (DHP/2024/15) - Update regarding “Assistant Specialty” and “GP(Supervised)” categories under physicians’ profession and “GD (supervised)” category
Circular No (DHP/2024/13). Launching the electronic application for surgical/dental privileges through the Department of Healthcare Professions’ Registration/Licensing System
Circular No (DHP/2024/11). Rejection of training/work under supervision from healthcare practitioners without obtaining a prior approval from DHP
Circular No (DHP/2024/10). Modification on the qualifying examination fees
Circular No. (DHP/2024/09). End of the contract with Gulf Bridge Services (GBS) as one of the approved companies for Primary Source Verification (PSV).
Circular No (DHP/2024/06) - Delegating healthcare facilities with the responsibility to ensure that healthcare practitioners meet the requirements of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) courses
Circular No (DHP/2024/05) - Establishing a definition and scope of practice specific to General Practitioners and Community Medicine
Circular no (DHP/2024/04) - Approval and Regulation of Telemedicine practice in the State of Qatar
Circular No (DHP/2024/03) - Adding scope of practice and defining registration / licensing standards for Podiatrist to the list of Allied Healthcare Practitioner
Circular No DHP/2024/02. Update on circular no. (13/2022) - Guidelines for licensed healthcare practitioners working in healthcare service Agencies
Fitness to Practice Department
Circular No (DHP/2024/14) - Mandatory Complice with National Cancer Strategy
Circular No (DHP/2024/12). Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities of Medical Director in Private Healthcare Facilities in The State of Qatar
Circular No (DHP/2024/07) The use of patient identifiers prior and during the episodes of healthcare service provision
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular No (DHP/2023/108) - Internal Transfer of Healthcare Practitioners Amongst Facility Branches
Circular No (DHP/2023/107) - Update on the categorization of registration/licensing for specialized physicians/dentists
Circular No (DHP/2023/105) - Adding new scope of practice ‘Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)’ to the list of Nurse Profession
Circular No (DHP/2023/104) - Updates on registration and licensing policy for Oral and maxillofacial surgery scope of practice
Circular No (DHP/2023/103) - Guidelines Regarding "Orthopedic Surgery" Privileges
Circular No (DHP/2023/102) - Regulation of “Clinical Pharmacist” and Defining the Scope of Practice and Registration Requirements
Circular No (DHP/2023/101) - Clarification on Requirements of “Change Place of Work” Application for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (15/2023) - Regulation of Home nursing in Qatar and adding a new scope of practice "Home Nurse" and its registration/licensing standards within nursing scopes regulated by the Department of Healthcare Professions.
Circular (14/2023) - Additional Update to Circular No. (15/2022) Regarding Exemption of Qatar University Graduates from the Practical Experience Requirement for Licensure in Both the Public and Private Sectors
Circular (13/2023) - Update on Circular (15/2022) regarding the exemption of residents' offspring from the qualifying examination and the documents required to be attached to the evaluation application.
Circular (12/2023) - Cessation of acceptance of CPR course registration & undertaking letter in licensing applications
CIRCULAR (11/2023) - Update on Circular No. 1/2023 Regarding " Lactation Consultant" Registration and Licensing
Circular (10/2023) - Introducing new additional specialty exams for Specialty Physicians
Circular (09/2023) - Sick leave issuance by “Assistant Specialty”, “GP (Supervised)” and “GD (Supervised)”
Circular (08/2023) - Update on the “Qualifying Examination” requirement for Physicians and Dentists
Circular (07/2023) - Update on Circular (21-2020) regarding “Assistant Specialty” category among the approved categories list for physicians in the State of Qatar
Circular (06/2023) - Licensing of certain Allied Health Professions in First aid units or clinics affiliated with Schools or Companies, in addition to Nurses and Physicians
Circular (05/2023) - Updates on Guidelines for Dentists' registration/licensing Standards in the State of Qatar
Circular (04/2023) - Directives on Ceasing the Extension of Temporary Licenses for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (03/2023) - Amendment of Circular (23-2020) regarding DHP’s approved specialty qualifications list for physicians in the State of Qatar
Circular (02/2023) - Opening of new electronic application on the registration system for healthcare practitioners in non-clinical roles
Circular (01/2023) - Adding new scope of practice “Lactation Consultant” and its registration/licensing standards within the Allied Healthcare Practitioner list
Accreditation Department
Cicular (DHP/2023/112) - Cooperation with the competent authorities in the country authorized to collect information and statistical data
Circular No (DHP/2023/109) - Reporting attendance of DHP-accredited CPD activities
Circular No (DHP/2023/110) - Recording attendance of DHP-accredited CPD activities conducted in the State of Qatar in the e-Portfolio accounts of healthcare practitioners
Circular (01/2023) - DHP-AS Revocation of CPD Activity Accreditation Policy
Fitness to Practice Department
Circular No (DHP/2023/112) - Cooperation with the competent authorities in the country authorized to collect information and statistical date
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (17/2022) - Update on the Registered Midwife scope of practice, and Addition of new scope of practice "Clinical Midwife Specialist" (Advance Midwifery Practice/Specialist)
Circular (16/2022) - Core and Advance Clinical Privileges policy /framework for all Nursing and midwifery professionals
Circular (15/2022) - Update on Circular (24/2020) Regarding the Registration/Licensing Policy for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (14/2022) - Updates on Circular (03/2017) regarding CPR courses for licensing and renewal purposes for Dentists
Circular (13/2022) - Guidelines for licensed healthcare practitioners working in healthcare agencies
Circular (12/2022) - Approval of the Art Therapist within the Allied Health Practitioner scopes list
Circular (11/2022) - Directives on Stopping the Use of Nitrous Oxide Immediately in all Private Sector Dental Practices in the State of Qatar
Circular (10/2022) - Guidelines Regarding "Obstetrics and Gynecology" Socpe of Practice
Circular (9-2022) - Introducing a New Specialiy In The Field of Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology
Circular (8-2022) - Approval of new scopes within the Allied Health Practitioner scopes list
Circular (7-2022) - Health Fitness Assessment Policy in Qatar
Circular (6-2022) - Recognition of Teleradiology Services and Defining diagnostic tele-radiology physicians’ registration requirements and quality standards
Circular (5-2022) - Launch of "Dietitian" Qualifying exam for the purpose of evaluation /licensing to practice in the state of Qatar
Circular (4-2022) - Informing the Department of Healthcare Professions of the closure of any Healthcare Facility by the Medical Director
Circular (3-2022) - Launching the Electronic Certificates of Good Standing for Licensed Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (2-2022) - Relocation of the qualifying exams (Prometric) test center in Doha-Qatar
Circular (1-2022) - Collecting fees for healthcare practitioners' online applications that include an evaluation/review of their certificates
Accreditation Department
Circular (2-2022) - Management of Alleged CPD Provider Non-Compliance with DHP-AS CPD Activity Accreditation Standards
Circular (1-2022) - Participation in CPD Activities Developed Outside the State of Qatar
Fitness to Practice Department
CIRCULAR FTP (02-2022) - Suspension of sick leaves issuance via tele-consultations by Healthcare Practitioners in Governmental, Semi-governmental and Private healthcare facilities in the State of Qatar
Amendment of circular #1-2021 ,Advertisements & Social Media Platforms (SMP) Utilization by Healthcare Practitioners in the State of Qatar
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (16-2021) - Processing Time for Applications
Circular (15-2021) - Issuance of a Registration Card for Healthcare professionals holding a non-clinical role
Circular (14-2021) - Update on the “Break in Practice” Policy
Circular (13-2021) - Update on Standards of Acupuncture Registration/Licensing in the State of Qatar
Circular (12-2021) - Amendment on Circular No. (2/2007) Regarding Dental Trainee category
Circular (11-2021) - Amendment of Circular No. (1/2013) regarding the Approved Dental Specialty Qualifications in the State of Qatar and the Professional Titles granted by DHP for Dentists
Circular (10-2021) - Phone Enquiry Services for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (09-2021) - Update on Plastic surgery core and advanced privilege list
Circular (08-2021) - Automatic renewal of medical license for healthcare Practitioners licensed under governmental healthcare facilities
Circular (07-2021) - Update and Approval of new scopes within the “Allied Health Practitioners” scopes list
Circular (06-2021) - Adding “Industrial Pharmacist” to the Approved Pharmacist Scopes and Defining the Scope of Practice and Registration Requirements
Circular (05-2021) - Guidance on cessation of the use of Amalgam in dental practice in Qatar
Circular (04-2021) - Temporary Interruption of Online Services of the DHP for Upgrading Purposes & Changing the Generic Email Addresses
Circular (03-2021) - Update on Short Notice Applications for Visiting Practitioners to include Allied Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (02-2021) - Update on Hijama (Cupping) Registration/Licensing Standards
Circular (01-2021) - Update on Circular (03-2020) - Extending the license validity for 12 months with permission to continue practicing during this crisis period of the situation of novel corona virus COVID-19
Fitness to Practice Department
Circular (02-2021) - Patients’ Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
Circular (01-2021) - Advertisements & Social Media Platforms (SMP) Utilization by Healthcare Practitioners in the State of Qatar
Registration & Licensing Department
FAQs on circulars (22 and 24 - 2020)
Circular (24 -2020) - Update on Circular (19/2020) Regarding the Registration/Licensing Policy for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (23 -2020) - Amendment of Circular 04-2019 regarding Professional Titles granted by DHP for Physicians
Circular (22 -2020) - Amendment on Circular No. (05/2019) regarding Assistant Physicians Category
Circular (21 -2020) - Developing category “Assistant Specialty” among the approved categories list for physicians in the State of Qatar
Circular (20 -2020) - Cancelation of “Associate” title
Circular (19 -2020) - Update on Circular (11/2018) Regarding the Registration/Licensing Policy for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (18 -2020) - Updates on Qualifying Examinations
Circular (17 -2020) - Relocation of the qualifying exams (Prometric) test center in Doha - Qatar
Circular (16 -2020) - Additional SMS notifications for Practitioners and Employer Representatives
Circular (15 -2020) - Compatibility of the Registration and Licensing System
Circular (14 -2020) – Approval of “Orofacial Pain” scope within the Dental specialty scopes
Circular (13 -2020) - Adding a new request: "Update Contact Info" on the Registration & Licensing System
Circular (12 -2020) - Update on the requirements to obtain a License to practice for visiting doctors (Locum)
Circular (11 -2020) - Approval of "Assistant Psychologist" scope within the "Allied Health Practitioners" scopes list
Circular (10 -2020) - Guidelines regarding the periods of practicing under supervision (update)
Circular (09 -2020) - Update on Circular (03-2020)
Circular (08 -2020) - Allowing healthcare practitioners licensed in the private sector to temporary practice in the governmental hospital to contain the COVID-19 pandemic
Circular (07 -2020) - Virtual appointments/medical consultation & electronic sick leaves as one of the measures to control the spread of (COVID-19)
Circular (06 -2020) - Process for the voluntarily practice to overcome the current situation of Corona virus COVID19
Circular (05-2020) - permission of voluntarily practice to feed the health sector with healthcare providers in response to the current the situation of novel corona virus COVID19 in the State of Qatar
Circular (04-2020) - Suspension of the Open Day Services
Circular (03-2020) - Extending the license validity for 6 months with permission to continue practicing during this crisis period of the situation of novel corona virus (COVID-19)
Circular (02-2020) - Modifications on Qualifying Examination Fees
Circular (01-2020) - Update on Break in Practice Policy for Physicians and Dentists
Accreditation Department
Circular 04-2020 - Changes in the Nomenclature Involved in the National CME/CPD Accreditation System – For Healthcare Practitioners
Circular 03b-2020 - Changes in the Nomenclature Involved in the National CME/CPD Accreditation System – For CPD Providers
Circular (02-2020) - Participating in Accredited (Category 1) Online CME/CPD Activities
Circular (01-2020) - Conducting Accredited Online CME/CPD Activities
Fitness to Practice Department
Circular (03-2020) - Abrogation of poster “PATIENT RIGHT TO COMPLAIN” due to some changes in the responsible authority for complaints reception only
Circular (02-2020) - Mandatory Reporting of disciplinary actions/ decisions taken by Healthcare Facilities against their healthcare practitioners
Circular (01-2020) - The Scrutiny and Verification of Sick Leaves Issuance Process
Registration & Licensing Department
Update on PSV Services - Circular for the DataFlow Group
Circular (10-2019) - Update on the Policy of Required Medical Tests for Licensing/Renewal
Circular (09-2019) - Approval of new scopes within the “Allied Health Practitioners” scopes list
Circular (08-2019) - Update on Circular (01/2016) and Circular (11/2018) regarding the Registration/Licensing Policy for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (07-2019) - Approval of “Psychological Counselor” scope within the “AHP” scopes list
Circular (06-2019) - Accepting the electronically signed e-sick leave certificates issued by HMC and PHCC
Circular (05-2019) - Adding “Assistant Physician” title to the Approved Physician Categories of the Registration/Licensing in the State of Qatar
Circular (04-2019) - Update on Professional Titles granted by QCHP for Physicians
Circular (03-2019) - Update on the Approved CPR requirements of the “License Renewal” Applications
Circular (02-2019) - Update on the Approved Requirements of the “Registration/Evaluation” Applications
Circular (01-2019) - Update on the Approved Requirements of the “Short Notice” Applications for the Visiting Doctors/Visiting Medical Crew
Accreditation Department
Circular (01-2019) - CPD Credit Requirements for Residents and Fellows in the State of Qatar
Fitness to Practice Department
Circular (01-2019) - Implementation of Practitioners’ Health Fitness Assessment Policy in Qatar (Communicable Diseases)
CEO’s Office
Circular (03-2019) – Adverse Medical Outcome Reporting
Circular (02-2019) – The mandate of using Patient's QID Personal Number in all correspondences related to him/her
Circular (01-2019) – Refraining healthcare practitioners from advertising/promoting themselves, others, or any medical products, drugs, surgical or non-surgical interventions
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (27-2018) - Updates on Circular (23-2018) regarding Blood Test Requirement in Renewal Applications
Circular (26-2018) - Update on the Policy of Work Experience as a Requirement for Registration/licensing of Healthcare Practitioners in the State of Qatar
Circular (25-2018) - Guidelines regarding the Periods of Training or Clinical Work under Supervision
Circular (24-2018) - Launch of Generic Email for the Registration Department
Circular (23-2018) - Updates on License Renewal Process regarding Blood Tests Requirement
Circular (22-2018) - Launch of Electronic “Temporary License” Applications
Circular (21-2018) - Adoption of the “Institutional Privilege” Policy
Circular (20-2018) - Core and Advanced Privileges Policy for Different Physician’s Categories/Specialties
Circular (19-2018) - Registration/Licensing of Healthcare Practitioners working in Academic Institutions
Circular (18-2018) - Updates on Primary Source Verification Process - Dataflow Company
Circular (17-2018) - Adoption of an Updated Policy for Qualifying Exams
Circular (16-2018) - Update on Circular (12-2015) “Referral of Cases with Congenital Disorders in Children and Newborns to Hamad Medical Corporation”
Circular (15-2018) - Additional Service Provider for Primary Source Verification – Gulf Bridge Services
Circular (14-2018) - New Initiatives to reduce the Approved Time Frame for Issuing/Renewing Medical Licenses
Circular (13-2018) - Cancellation of the “Associate Consultant” title from the approved titles list for physicians and replacing it with the “Board Eligible Physician” title
Circular (12-2018) - Discontinuation of Issuing/Renewal Applications for Radiation Licenses by QCHP
Circular (11-2018) - Update on Circular (01/2016) Regarding the Registration/Licensing Policy for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (10-2018) - Launch of Hotline Service in the Registration Department
Circular (09-2018) - Updates on Temporary License Policy
Circular (08-2018) - E-Jaza Validation Service through the QCHP website
Circular (07-2018) - Amendment of the “GP Limited to” Scope of Practice Title
Circular (06-2018) - Addendum to Circular No.(6/2017) regarding General Practitioner (Special Interest) Physicians applying for a Specialist Title
Circular (05-2018) - Including the Nurse Technician Scope among the Nursing Profession instead of Allied Health Professions
Circular (04-2018) - Launch of Electronic “Short Notice” Applications
Circular (03-2018) - Healthcare Practitioners who have Paper Medical Licenses before the Launch of the Electronic Registration/Licensing System
Circular (02-2018) - Registration/Licensing for some scopes from the Allied Healthcare Profession without the need to sit for the Qualifying Exam (Prometric) until an Exam is available for these Scopes
Circular (01-2018) - A Change in Open Day Timings for Registration and Accreditation Departments
Accreditation Department
Circular (05-2018) - Online CPD Cycle Closure Appeal Form available through Practitioner’s e-portfolio
Circular (04-2018) - Publishing of the National CPD System report
Circular (03-2018) - Launch of Online Feedback and Messaging through Practitioner’s ePortfolio
Circular (02-2018) - Electronic Reporting of Accredited CPD Providers’ Annual Report
Circular (01-2018) - Annual Report submission date and Format
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (24-2017) - Regulation of Work for the Focal Points of Healthcare Institutions
Circular (23-2017) - Exemption from the Qualifying Exam (Prometric) for a Category of Dentists
Circular (22-2017) - Updates on Radiation Safety Courses
Circular (21-2017) - Registration/Licensing of CM Healthcare Practitioners in Healthcare Facilities of the categories “General Hospital” and “Medical Polyclinic”
Circular (20-2017) - Removal of “Employer Approval” from Applications on the Electronic Registration/Licensing System
Circular (19-2017) - Guidelines for Granting Laser Privileges to “Dentists”
Circular (18-2017) - Changing QCHP Medical License Coding according to each Profession
Circular (17-2017) - Update to the Policy of School Doctors
Circular (16-2017) - Updates on Issuing Radiation License Procedures
Circular (15-2017) - Updating the Lab related Scopes of Physicians in the State of Qatar
Circular (14-2017) - Addendum to Circular No.(10/2017) regarding E-profile update for all healthcare practitioners through the electronic registration/ licensing system
Circular (13-2017) - Update on the “Break from Practice” Policy
Circular (12-2017) - Mandatory Online Submission and Payment for Primary Source Verification Applications (DataFlow)
Circular (11-2017) - Specifications of the Healthcare Practitioner’s CV during the Evaluation Process
Circular (10-2017) - E-profile Update for all Healthcare Practitioners through the Electronic Registration/Licensing System
Circular (09-2017) - Modifications on Qualifying Examination Fees
Circular (08-2017) - Updates on the Policy of Approved Specialty Qualifications in the field of Dentistry
Circular (06-2017) - Update of QCHP’s Approved Specialty Qualifications List for Physicians
Circular (5-2017) - Adding a new request “Leave of Absence Request” on the Registration/Licensing Electronic System
Circular (4-2017) - Addendum to Circular No. (23-2016) regarding Part-time Clinicians’ Registration & Licensing Policy for Qatari Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (3-2017) - Updates on “Required CPR courses for Licensing and Renewal Purposes” Policy in the Healthcare Sector of the State of Qatar
Circular (2-2017) - Launch of the QCHP – Registration Department Social Media Pages and QCHP Website Update
Circular (1-2017) - Recognizing the Period of Work in the Governmental and Semi-Governmental Healthcare Facilities in Qatar within the Required Years of Experience for Registration & Licensing
Accreditation Department
Circular (02-2017) - Notification Period for Accredited CPD Activities by QCHP Accredited CPD Providers
Circular (01-2017) - Distribution of QCHP-AD’s Continuing Professional Development Program Manual for Healthcare Practitioners
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (26-2016) - Update on Circular (7/2015) on the Procedure to Share Information in case a Practitioner quits Practicing
Circular (25-2016) - Modifications on the Primary Source Verification Fees
Circular (24-2016) - Mandatory Renewal of Expired Medical Licenses in the State of Qatar before 31/12/2016
Circular (23-2016) - Part-time Clinician Registration/Licensing Policy for Healthcare Practitioners who Practice Executive or Administrative Roles
Circular (22-2016) - Updates on Supervision’s Requirements for the Category of “General Practitioner (Specialty)”
Circular (21-2016) - Update on Circular No. (20-2016)
Circular (20-2016) - Re-assessment of the “Assisted Reproduction Procedures” privilege for all specialist physicians/Obstetrics & Gynecology; who were granted this privilege before the year 2015
Circular (19-2016) - Updates on the Policy of Specialty Qualifications in the Endodontics & Restorative Fields in Dentistry
Circular (18-2016) - Addition of New Institution Categories on the Registration & Licensing System
Circular (17-2016) - Updates on Qualifying Examinations
Circular (16-2016) - Launching the Electronic System for Creating Focal Point/Employer Representative Accounts through the QCHP Registration & Licensing System
Circular (15-2016) - Mandatory Requirements for Renewal of Medical Licenses in the State of Qatar - Update
Circular (14-2016) - Regulation of new additional scopes in the “Dentist” Profession
Circular (13-2016) - Licensing/Renewal for Radiation License Update
Circular (12-2016) - Approval of the national framework for the standards of registering/licensing healthcare practitioners of nursing and midwifery category
Circular (11-2016) - Mandatory Renewal for all Expired Medical Licenses within a Month of this Circular’s Date
Circular (10-2016) - Update - All Healthcare Practitioners are mandated to wear their valid medical license while on duty
Circular (09-2016) - Registration/Licensing for Radiation Therapists without the need to sit for the Qualifying Exam (Prometric) until an Exam is available for this Category
Circular (08-2016) - Approval of CPR courses provided by international and local institutions for the purpose of licensing and renewal of license - Update
Circular (07-2016) - Registration/Licensing of Qatari General Scope Physicians and Dentists without the need to sit for the Qualifying Exam (Prometric)
Circular (06-2016) - Discontinuation of the Registration/Licensing of Sterilization Technicians by the Registration Department in QCHP
Circular (03-2016) - Part-time Clinician Registration/Licensing Policy for healthcare practitioners who practice executive or administrative roles
Circular (02-2016) - Regulation of Complementary Medicine (CM)
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Circular (1-2016)
Circular (01-2016) - Policy for Healthcare Practitioners who are Qatar Universities’ Graduates or Residents' offspring and spouses who graduated abroad
Accreditation Department
Circular (06-2016) - Participation seats for Non-employee healthcare practitioners
Circular (05-2016) - Recognizing CPD Activities Attended Outside the State of Qatar
Circular (04-2016) - Agreements with Renowned CME/CPD Organizations
Circular (03-2016) - Accredited CPD Providers and Activities for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (02-2016) - Awarded Credit Units for Presenters/Speakers/Faculty
Circular (01-2016) - Documentation of Credit Units for Healthcare Practitioners
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (24-2015) - Accepting different Prometric exams for specific scopes
Circular (23-2015) - Regulation of number of attempts to pass the Qualifying Exam (Prometric) and the gap between each attempt
Circular (22-2015) - Grandfathering Policy for healthcare practitioners whose qualifications do not match the requirements of the Registration Department of QCHP
Circular (21-2015) - Allowing Specialist Qatari Doctors (physicians & dentists) to practice in more than one institution in the private sector in Qatar
Circular (20-2015) - Approval for nurses to accompany licensed physicians during using of operating theaters outside their health facilities
Circular (19-2015) - Adoption of the policy issued by Hamad International Training Center to extend the validity of some CPR courses for the purpose of licensing/license renewal
Circular (18-2015) - Exemption from the qualifying exam (prometric) for a category of dentists
Circular (17-2015) - Relocation of the qualifying exams (Prometric) test center in Doha - Qatar
Circular (15-2015) - Access to the “Change Place of Work” Request for Healthcare Practitioners after Preliminary Evaluations
Circular (14-2015) - Policy of Registration/Licensing of Visiting Doctors (Physicians/Dentists)
Circular (13-2015) - Addition of New Scopes to the “Physicians” Profession
Circular (12-2015) - Referral of Cases with Congenital Disorders in Children and Newborns to HMC
Circular (11-2015) - Launch of Electronic Radiation License Application Service
Circular (10-2015) - Granting provisional licenses to healthcare practitioners who work in facilities that are still in the licensing process
Circular (9-2015) - Including the Intern Dentist Scope in the Dentist profession instead of Allied Health Practitioner profession
Circular (8-2015) - Mandatory instructions for all physicians and dentists
Circular (7-2015) - Procedure to share information in case a practitioner quits practising
Circular (6-2015) - Launching the SMS Notification Service for Healthcare Practitioners Regarding the Decisions of their Applications
Circular (5-2015) - Discontinuation of manually-filled sick leaves and replacement with electronic sick leaves (e-Jaza)
Circular 4 Attachments
Circular (4-2015) - Launch of new Electronic Verification System Employer Portal ( EP ) for applying for verification of credentials through the verification company
Circular (3-2015) - Granting Provisional Licenses for all Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (2-2015) - Process for Issuing Sick Leaves during e-Jaza Downtime
Circular (1-2015) - Replacing paper documents from the Registration/Licensing Electronic System with electronic copies
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (24-2014) - Reminder on the Central Governmental Electronic Sick Leave System (E-Jaza)
Circular (23-2014) - Adding a new scope of practice (nurse practitioner) to the nursing profession list with its registration/ licensing requirements
Circular (22-2014) - Updates to the policy of Registration /licensing requirements for nursing healthcare practitioners (General scope & specialist)
Circular (21-2014) - Updates on the Launch of the Electronic copy of the license (E-License) through Electronic Registration and Licensing System
Circular (20-2014) - The launch of the Central Governmental Electronic Sick Leave System (E-Jaza) through the Electronic Registration and Licensing System
Circular (19-2014) - Update on Circular No. (15/2013) regarding mandate of retrospectively Verification of academic qualifications of the registered/ licensed healthcare practitioners
Circular (18-2014) - Adding a new requirement to the medical license renewal process for all healthcare practitioners in the State of Qatar
Circular (17-2014) - The Launch of the Electronic copy of the license (E-License)
Circular (16-2014) - Enhancement of the Registration-Licensing Electronic System
Circular (15-2014) - Amendments to circular (9-2014) regarding new updates to the general plan for the CPR course requirements for healthcare practitioners registration and renewal
Circular (14-2014) - Launch of the online payment gateway for applications submitted through the registration & licensing electronic system
Announcement - Change of Primary source verification (Data Flow) fees
Circular (13-2014) - Granting Provisional Licenses for Nursing Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (12-2014) - Updates to the CPR course requirements for license renewal
Circular (11-2014) - Approving training CPR courses provided by the members of International liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)
Circular (10-2014) - Updates on circular no (09-2014) regarding the general plan for the CPR course requirements
Circular (09-2014) - New updates to the general plan for the CPR course requirements for healthcare practitioners registration and renewal
Circular (08-2014) - Rejection of electronic applications due to incomplete applications
Circular (07-2014) - Recognizing the period of work in the Semi & Governmental Facilities in Qatar within the required years of experience for registration-licensing
Circular (06-2014) - Extend practicing license validity to two years
Circular (05-2014) - Launch of Electronic Verification System
Circular (04-2014) - Required Specifications of the Personal Photograph for Medical License Cards
Circular (03-2014) - Process of application submission for all pharmacists in the State of Qatar
Circular (02-2014) - Follow up on evaluation requests of healthcare practitioners with the Evaluation Committee
Circular (01-2014) - Principles in communication between Healthcare Practitioners, Focal Points and QCHP's Employees
Accreditation Department
Circular (02-2014) - Recognition and Approval of Credit Units for Healthcare Practitioners
Circular (01-2014) - CME/CPD Mandatory Participation Policy
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (01-2013) - Approved Dental Specialty Qualifications in the State of Qatar
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (39-2012) - Guidelines for Dentists
Registration & Licensing Department
Circular (26-2011) - Updates on Electronic Registration System for Healthcare Practitioners "No. 2"